The Mom's Cost Comparison Of Infant Formula

Most babies need between 24-32 ounces during their first year. With the increase in dairy and soy allergies or intolerances, many moms are now turning to alternative formulas, which are more expensive. Containers of baby formula come in all different sizes, but most make between 90-150 fluid ounces of prepared formula. Here are the costs of baby formula per ounce, day, and month:

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5 Things I Learned Coping With A Failed Birth Plan

All the preparation for 9 months could not have prepared me for how it actually felt. A nurse offered me nitrous oxide (laughing gas), but it made me loopy and weak, so I nudged it away. When the OB and nurses saw my son’s purple face and the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, they urged me to make this push the last one. I didn’t think I had the strength…

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9 Tips For Chronic Spit-Up & Reflux Babies

Silent reflux is less noticeable because it doesn’t always involve spit-up. However, it can be more painful… Medication is not the only way to reduce the acidity in your baby’s stomach. Many babies dealing with reflux take infant versions of Zantac and Prevacid. This was our pediatrician’s first line of defense. My son was on Zantac for a while until I learned about Nat. Phos. 6x

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