Posts tagged low milk supply
Alternatives to Breastfeeding: Options For When You Can't Breastfeed

It’s a disheartening experience when you are unable to breastfeed your baby for one reason or another. I tried with my son for 14 weeks, but with little improvement on poor latching, chronic acid reflux, and super low milk supply, we were unable to make breastfeeding work. When we moved on to the next big ordeal - okay, now what’s the next best thing I can feed my baby?…

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The Mom's Nutrient Guide To Infant Formula

Being a mom is the most vulnerable and scary role I’ve ever had. In my head, I entertain everything from irrational fears like, “Will letting him cry too long cause him to have an anxiety disorder?” to the everyday concerns of, “If he misses his nap today, how much are we going to pay for it tonight?”

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