Posts tagged momma
To The One Who Made Me A Mom

I miss a rested body and mind. Knowing that every decision I make, every path I walk down, every dream I chase directly impacts you and who you become - it weighs heavy on my heart. Will I get it right? Time has slipped through my grasp like dry sand. You used to fit into the crevice of my arm. You change too quickly for my heart to keep pace. I am breathing in all the moments because they are a vapor…

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8 Daily Routines For The Stay-At-Home Mom

No doubt you spend most of your waking (and sleeping) hours caring for your little ones. As a stay-at-home mom, your daily schedule probably revolves around when your babies eat, sleep, and play. As wonderful as it is to be mommy, the demand to be “on your toes” day after day…

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